Тема 2. Чтение
2.02 Задание 11. Задание на понимание структурно-смысловых связей в прочитанном тексте
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Задача 1#67174

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски А-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Запишите ответ в виде последовательности цифр, где первая цифра - часть предложения для пропуска A, а последняя цифра - часть предложения для пропуска F.

Travelling routes

Travelling through Europe has long been popular destination for people of all ages, from students and couples, to families and retirees. The breadth of possible vacations in Europe is enormous, from countless destinations A__________. Among the most popular countries in Europe for travellers are France, Italy, Spain Germany, Greece, and Portugal, B__________ and cruise ships.

There are many ways to see Europe. Trains are a very convenient way of seeing many of the countries, with an extensive rail system connecting countries, major cities and small towns. Ferries and cruise ships are popular along the Mediterranean Sea and also in some of the northern regions, such as the Baltics and Scandinavian countries. Those C__________ may choose to rent a car to travel aroun on their own.

Europe is a year-round destination. The months of July and August are by far the busiest, when Europeans take holidays and travellers from around the world come to enjoy the fine weather. The coastal areas are filled with people D__________. One only needs to take a drive along the coast during these months to fully appreciate this fact. The spring and fall are great times for those looking E__________ without the full intensity of the summer heat. Winter is definitely slower time of year for travellers but the mountains F__________, draw the winter sports enthusiasts.

1. to sightsee and explore the ancient sites
2. who are trying to escape the summer heat
3. who want more freedom and independence
4. which offer world-class skiing facilities
5. to winter sports facilities and equipment
6. which are often on the itinerary of tour groups
7. to all kinds of different ways of exploring them 

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