Тема 2. Чтение
2.01 Задание 10. Задание на понимание основного содержания прочитанного текста
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Задача 1#82892

Установите соответствие между текстами А-G и заголовками 1-8. Запишите свой ответ последовательностью цифр, где первая цифра - заголовок к тексту A, а последняя - заголовок к тексту GИспользуйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Don't send it yet!
2. Adding to joyful cooking
3. Stimulating the appetite
4. Manners go first 
5. Staying neutral
6. Boosting productivity
7. Being less full of yourself
8. One or many? 

A. We often forget that there is a person on the other side of the email. Just as we wouldn't walk into a friend's house for dinner and bark out a command, we shouldn't forget to say something nice at the beginning and the end of the message. Often those little niceties can go a long way. Social cues aren't dated constructs; they're valuable warm-up phrases in communication. Start by saying "Hi", comment on someone's latest achievements, and wish the other person well.

B. Enjoying a meal with friends and family is not only about the food, but it's also about creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. And hunger for the meal ahead adds to its enjoyment. Red is an exciting, energizing and warm colour. It is associated with love, roses, danger and passion. Having a shade of red in a dining room can add a sense of drama. Marketers believe that the colour red is welcoming, vibrant and warm, and makes people hungry: think of popular fast-food logos.

C. Many emails and essays are written exclusively in the first person. Shift the focus to the recipient and consider what they want, need, or would like to hear. After writing an email, scan it quickly for how many times you use the word "I". See if you can edit some of them out. So, "I'm teaching a new writer's workshop this spring, and I want help sharing the program. I think you'd be interested in it" can be turned into something like: "New writing workshop for creatives has just been launched. Let me know if this is what you were looking for".

D. Just because you've written an email now doesn't mean it needs to be sent at this exact moment. Delaying the sending is one of the most powerful and underutilized tools of emailing. Scheduling emails to be sent in 24 or 48 hours gives you space to breathe between non-urgent projects, and it also sets up a rhythm of communication so your interlocutor no longer expects you to reply instantaneously. You can either train someone to expect instantaneous answers at all times, or to• learn the rhythm that's best for you and your business.

E. One of the best ways to avoid colour trends is of course to avoid wild colours altogether. A palette of pale tones is as close to time-proof as you can get, especially if you use a lot of classic white. A pastel palette doesn't have to be boring, either. Include rich textures (like woods and plush fabrics) and subtly different neutral shades to give a space life without introducing any dramatic colours that may or may not stand the test of time. Cool and warm whites can suit whatever colour scheme you might like in future.  

F. An optimal study or office is a space with no interruptions and an atmosphere that allows calm focus. This is a place for you to concentrate, expand your ideas and complete your work, be it creative or analytical. An office is supposed to nurture your line of thought and support action. Blue is versatile — it helps you feel calm and effective. It is associated with the sky, ocean, and water. Researchers claim it that people working in blue office spaces feel calm and hopeful about their work.

G. Having more recipients in the "To" field does not mean that you'll necessarily get more answers. In the age of digital marketing, people who blast messages in broadcast form without understanding who is in the "To" line reduce their chances of a message being opened. A perfect email is the one that's sent to exactly who it needs to go to. The more specific you can get about who should be receiving the message, the better. One direct ask that results in a "Yes" is better than spamming the inboxes of 50 people who don't respond. 

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