Тема 2. Чтение
2.01 Задание 10. Задание на понимание основного содержания прочитанного текста
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Задача 1#53914

Установите соответствие между текстами А-G и заголовками 1-8. Запишите свой ответ последовательностью цифр, где первая цифра - заголовок к тексту A, а последняя - заголовок к тексту GИспользуйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. 

1. A bright start
2. The first disappointment
3. Orientate yourself
4. Learning while teaching 
5. The right choice
6. In one breath
7. Love at first sight
8. Having someone near

A. I was very excited about my first teaching job. I didn't plan it but I was given an opportunity to teach at an exclusive university. I was greatly challenged by my students then. They were great English speakers way ahead of me as I was not so confident, articulate, and fluent. But whew, I survived! In fact, it was a great learning experience for me. I had to do a lot of practice like talking to myself in front of the mirror or taking notes of the jokes. It was funny but it helped a lot to improve my language skills.

B. Although I could have chosen different specializations when I got my first degree in Engineering, I decided to get my Master's in Marketing. I did not know if I was prepared for that. I was only 21 when I started it up but my teachers believed that I had some natural skills. Even though I had some doubts at the beginning, choosing to do a Master's degree in this field was one of the most important decisions in my life. It shaped me the way I am now: a gleaming professor trying to contribute to the development of society.

C. I remember my first day at school; it was my mother who took me there. I had to wear a school uniform: a white polo shirt, black trousers, and black leather shoes. I had a small backpack with an exercise book, a pencil box, a bottle of water, and my lunch box inside. I was happy and very excited to see other students. That day I met my future friends and teachers. Throughout the years I learnt many subjects like English, Maths, Science, Religion, PE, Art, and Social studies. Now my first week is over, but I still remember it. 

D. 33 hours a week. A dollar an hour. My first teaching job at an upcoming college in my home province showed me the realities of work life. I was a fresh graduate from university and I wanted to get a job soon enough. I accepted the offer because I felt it was somewhat prestigious to teach at a college. But it was exhausting to teach 11 classes in one week with an average of 25 students per class. The 2-hour daily commute to work and back added to the exhaustion. It wasn't as prestigious a job as I imagined.

E. Throughout the years I had many jobs but the first one was unforgettable. I loved what I did. I loved teaching English and Public Speaking classes. It was wonderful to meet new colleagues who soon became friends. The fellowship among teachers was genuine and warm. The best part for me was being in the classroom teaching real students. It was fulfilling to see them learn and grow. It's been more than 20 years since I first entered the classroom, and I'm still teaching. I guess I'll stay in the vocation for a little bit more. 

F. I think it's a good idea for parents to come and stay for a night in a hotel nearby for your first day of uni. I, unfortunately, was on my own on move-in day and it was a massive hassle! It was difficult trying to carry all the stuff on my own and I ended up having to ask a stranger outside my accommodation if they could help me carry my shopping up to my room, which was super embarrassing. It's also nice to have someone there for you, all of my flatmates parents helped them move in so it was a bit lonely for me the first couple of days while they were with their family.

G. My first day at university was very nerve-wracking, as I completely forgot what I actually meant to do when I finally got there. It was embarrassing at first when my mom roamed around the room making my bed and asking where to put my teddies. But once she left I propped the door open with a chair and made friends with each and every flatmate popping in and saying hi. I got my university ID card and went out with my friends. I tried to make the most of every second as they flew by. The next thing I knew, I was graduating! 

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A. Learning while teaching 
I was very excited about my first teaching job. I didn't plan it but I was given an opportunity to teach at an exclusive university. I was greatly challenged by my students then. They were great English speakers way ahead of me as I was not so confident, articulate, and fluent. But whew, I survived! In fact, it was a great learning experience for me. I had to do a lot of practice like talking to myself in front of the mirror or taking notes of the jokes. It was funny but it helped a lot to improve my language skills.

B. The right choice

Although I could have chosen different specializations when I got my first degree in Engineering, I decided to get my Master's in Marketing. I did not know if I was prepared for that. I was only 21 when I started it up but my teachers believed that I had some natural skills. Even though I had some doubts at the beginning, choosing to do a Master's degree in this field was one of the most important decisions in my life. It shaped me the way I am now: a gleaming professor trying to contribute to the development of society.

C. A bright start

I remember my first day (= start) at school; it was my mother who took me there. I had to wear a school uniform: a white polo shirt, black trousers, and black leather shoes. I had a small backpack with an exercise book, a pencil box, a bottle of water, and my lunch box inside. I was happy and very excited (bright) to see other students. That day I met my future friends and teachers. Throughout the years I learnt many subjects like English, Maths, Science, Religion, PE, Art, and Social studies. Now my first week is over, but I still remember it.  

D. The first disappointment

33 hours a week. A dollar an hour. My first teaching job at an upcoming college in my home province showed me the realities of work life (doesn't sound optimistic). I was a fresh graduate from university and I wanted to get a job soon enough. I accepted the offer because I felt it was somewhat prestigious to teach at a college. But it was exhausting to teach 11 classes in one week with an average of 25 students per class. The 2-hour daily commute to work and back added to the exhaustion. It wasn't as prestigious a job as I imagined (= expectations were better than reality, that's why it's a disappointment).

E. Love at first sight

Throughout the years I had many jobs but the first one was unforgettable (first experience). I loved what I did. I loved teaching English and Public Speaking classes. It was wonderful to meet new colleagues who soon became friends. The fellowship among teachers was genuine and warm. The best part for me was being in the classroom teaching real students. It was fulfilling to see them learn and grow. It's been more than 20 years since I first entered the classroom, and I'm still teaching. I guess I'll stay in the vocation for a little bit more. 

F. Having someone near

I think it's a good idea for parents to come and stay for a night in a hotel nearby for your first day of uni (someone close is near). I, unfortunately, was on my own on move-in day and it was a massive hassle! It was difficult trying to carry all the stuff on my own and I ended up having to ask a stranger outside my accommodation if they could help me carry my shopping up to my room, which was super embarrassing. It's also nice to have someone there for you, all of my flatmates parents helped them move in so it was a bit lonely for me the first couple of days while they were with their family.

G. In one breath

My first day at university was very nerve-wracking, as I completely forgot what I actually meant to do when I finally got there. It was embarrassing at first when my mom roamed around the room making my bed and asking where to put my teddies. But once she left I propped the door open with a chair and made friends with each and every flatmate popping in and saying hi. I got my university ID card and went out with my friends. I tried to make the most of every second as they flew by (= in one breath). The next thing I knew, I was graduating (not literally but seemed like that because the time flew by)! 

Ответ: 4512786

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